The Brickworks Living Building Challenge Competition
What does the worlds most sustainable retail centre look like? The holistic & rigorous ARCH concept won the competition.
The Living Building Challenge is the built environment’s most rigorous performance standard.
To be certified, projects must meet challenging energy, waste and water, targets over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy. Entries are assessed against seven performance criteria called ‘petals’: place, water, energy, health & happiness, materials, equity and beauty. The brief for this development asked: ‘What does the world’s most sustainable retail centre look like?’
The design solution is holistic, multifaceted and layered; doing more with less within in a retail context. Strategies include innovative water catchment and waste streaming, local food harvesting and integrated educational programs. A canopy, reminiscent of elegant Victorian markets and steeped in historical references embeds the site.
The abstracted sawtooth roof is an exploration in phenomenological concepts: the former flower farm greenhouses and the Brickworks industrial structures; coupled with the ephemeral lightness of clouds; transient, impermanent, renewed.Collaboration Aurecon, CJ Arms, eco harvest, Biomimicry Australia, Future Food, Reedbed Technology, Watpac