Foreshore House Workplace
A strong focus on providing attractive social breakout spaces to support the large workforce that will use this building.
The existing Foreshore House building is in a unique setting in the Rocks heritage area, Sydney having formerly been designed as the NSW State Archive repository.
The building is not your standard commercial building with half of the six levels below street level with minimal windows as never required for an archives function. Therefore the workplace design has been critical to ensure that workstations are placed wherever natural light is available, and the very internal spaces used for large training or meeting rooms that have greater turnover of use.
The interior design concept is strongly referenced to the heritage of the Rocks, utilising floor coverings in a way to emulate the old cobbled streets. The two large staff breakout kitchens have a central water and coffee station that references the idea of a well. Screens that separate zones or open meeting spaces reference the shutters that are common to the existing building stock in the Rocks.